Bill Shrapnel, nutritionist and author
Master of Health Planning 1989
Grad Dip in Nutrition & Dietetics 1980
Bachelor of Applied Science 1976
Current position:
Director, Shrapnel Nutrition Consulting Pty Ltd
Work history:
1995 – present Director, Shrapnel Nutrition Consulting Pty Ltd.
1990 – 1994 National Nutrition Manager, National Heart Foundation, Canberra.
1984 – 1990 Dietitian-in-Charge, Central Coast Area Health Service
1980 –1984 Dietitian and Dietitian-in-Charge, Nepean District Hospital
Major interests:
The role of diet in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity
Dietary fats and health
The nutritional quality of carbohydrate-rich foods
Recent clients 2012 – 2014:
Goodman Fielder, Kellogg Australia, National Heart Foundation, Australian Oilseeds Federation, The Food Group, The Australian Food and Grocery Council, Appetite Communications, Australian Beverages Council, Sugar Australia. Speaking fees have been received from the Dietitians Association of Australia.
Previous Clients
Unilever Australasia, Unilever China, Unilever India, Australian Sunflower Association, Meat & Livestock Australia, Burston-Marsteller, Mercke, Moray & Agnew, National Heart Foundation and National Health & Medical Research Council.
Professional associations:
Australian Atherosclerosis Society
Nutrition Society of Australia
Dietitians Association of Australia
Peer-reviewed publications:
Levy GS, Shrapnel WS. Quenching Australia’s thirst: A trend analysis of water-based beverage sales from 1997 to 2011. Nutr Diet 2014;71:193-200.
Shrapnel B. Amount of sugar in Australian breakfast cereals is not associated with energy density or glycaemic index: results of a systematic survey. Nutr Diet 2013;70:236-40.
Shrapnel B. Testing the boundaries of recommended carbohydrate intakes: macronutrient exchanges, carbohydrate quality and nutritional adequacy. Nutr Diet 2013;70:59-65.
Shrapnel B. Should trans fats be regulated? Nutr Diet 2012;69:256-259.
Shrapnel B, Noakes M. Discriminating between carbohydrate-rich foods: a model based on nutrient density and glycaemic index. Nutr Diet 2012;69:152-158.
Shrapnel B. Is energy density a useful concept for understanding and preventing obesity? Nutr Diet 2010;67:281-286.
Clifton P et al. Comprehensive dietary intervention to lower serum cholesterol: report of an expert roundtable. Aust Fam Physician 2009;38:424-9.
Shrapnel B. The role of vitamin E in the diet. CAB Reviews 2008; 3: No. 085.
Shrapnel B, Baghurst K. Lack of nutritional equivalence in the ‘meats and alternatives’ group of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Nutr Diet 2007; 64:
Shrapnel B, Baghurst K. Adequacy of essential fatty acid, vitamin D and vitamin E intake: implications for the ‘core’ and ‘extras’ food group concept of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Nutr Diet 2007; 64: 78-85.
Shrapnel B, Nestel P. Linoleic acid and coronary heart disease. Food Aust 2007; 59:139-44.
Shrapnel B, Truswell AS. Vitamin D deficiency in Australia and New Zealand: What are the dietary options? Nutr Diet 2006; 63: 206-212.
Shrapnel B. The Pro-Active Plan: the ultimate cholesterol-lowering diet. Custom Book Company, first edition 2000, second edition 2007. 45,000 copies in print.